Monday, January 12, 2009

Who can break my record?

Minesweeper is always one of my favourite game. Even if you don't play game, your pc will still have this game installed by default (from Windows 95 onwards)

Its rules are so simple...
1) start by making a wild guess on the board (if you are lucky enough.. you might hit a safe zone which reveals a large block of safe zone, the bigger, the better~~),
2) the number on a tile tells you how many mines are surrounding that particular tile,
3) from there, do some reasoning... and locate all the mines (you can do so by right-click to place a red flag)

The game can finish very fast according to the player's level. It has 3 levels of difficulty - beginner, intermediate and expert. The number of mines and size of the board will increase as the difficulty increases.

I played it when I was a kid, at that time I just clicked randomly hoping not to hit a mine... after I get the hang of it, only by then I started to enjoy it, and the motivation that keep me playing it again and again is - to break my own record :)

As the saying goes: 一山还有一山高, proudly show off your fastest record if you can beat mine :P (wah...so串and欠扁)


Anonymous said...


leeping said...

I just started to play this game when I was in college Yr 2.. tell you what, you can be addicted to break your own record :P

孤Owl的王子- Nick Goh said...

hahaha..very geng wo...

Key said...

si beh qian bian .... =.="

Snakey said...

So geng leh!
Ok, I will take the challenge...

Chiamy said...

Remember show me ur record ya! I am waiting! Haha.

C.Y. said...

agree with lee ping... i also started in year2@3 in upm... then addicted to break my own recordn also my roomate's record... n now... Haha!